Angela Coan
Indigo Pearl Phuket. Employee Development Director
Mrs. Coan is a director of all training and development at a 5 star hotel Indigo Pearl with 500 employees.
Job description:
English testing & classes for all applicants & existing staff.
Internship program- recruiting, interviewing & hiring of all international & domestic interns.
Quality assurance of all SOPs / P&Ps, hotel collateral & any other documents that require proofreading / editing.
Implementation of new team member 4 day orientation program.
Brand standards training of all staff regularly.
Assistance with fire safety training & equipment maintenance.
Support of all CSR programs in the hotel- raising money through staff "garage sales", delivery of food / other essentials to people in need.
Support of hotel's environmental program- monthly beach cleaning, saving water / energy campaign internally to staff & externally to guests / local community.